Teaching philosophy
I’m committed to training the next generation of ecologists and conservation biologists so that they can not only be successful as scientists, but also so they can become advocators for change and committed to social responsibility. By using high-impact practices that give students authentic hands-on experiences, students can become intelligent, independent thinkers that can effectively communicate science both within and outside the scientific fields. To accomplish this, I focus on:
- Inquiry-driven teaching practices to provide students with real-world experience
- Effective science communication
- Active and collaborative learning to provide students opportunities to practice applying concepts using real-world scientific applications
stem education publications
Peer-Reviewed STEM Education Publications
Editor-Reviewed Book Chapters
Science Publications for the General Public
- Bickford N, Peterson EK, Jensen PA, Thomas DA. (2020) Undergraduates who are merely interested in research are better students than their peers. Education Sciences, 10(6): 150. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci10060150
- Peterson EK, Carrico P. (2015) Laboratory exercise in behavioral genetics using team-based learning. Journal of College Biology Teaching, 41(2): 33-40. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1086540
Editor-Reviewed Book Chapters
- Seymour B, Peterson EK, Chock RY. (2021) Conservation behavior: The effects of light pollution on insects. Exploring Animal Behavior in Laboratory and Field. Eds. Zimbler-DeLorenzo H, Margulis SW, 2nd edition, Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego CA.
Science Publications for the General Public
- Peterson EK. (2013) Using grazing for management of invasive plants: an interview with conservation biologists Dr. Gary Kleppel and Caroline Girard-Cartier, M.S. The Conservation Behaviorist, 11(2): 5-6.
- Peterson EK. (2013) Hybridization within canine species: the problem and its implications for conservation behavior research. The Conservation Behaviorist, 11(1): 6.
- Peterson EK. (2012) Orangutans and Palm Oil. The Conservation Behaviorist, 10(2): 5.
courses taught
Eastern Illinois University (Instructor of Record)
Wildlife Techniques, lecture with lab (fall 2023)
Mammalogy (fall 2023)
CSU-Pueblo (Instructor of Record)
College Biology I, lecture (fall 2017, spring 2018/2019)
Special Topics in Scientific Literacy and Writing, lecture (spring/fall 2019)
Special Topics in Research and Experimental Design, lecture (spring 2020)
Research (fall 2022, spring 2023)
SUNY-Albany (Instructor of Record)
Animal Behavior, lecture (spring 2017)
Animal Behavior, laboratory (summer 2014)
Animal Behavior, lecture, and laboratory (summer 2010/2011)
SUNY-Albany (Teaching Assistant)
Behavioral Genetics, laboratory (spring 2014)
Introduction to Biological Investigations I, laboratory (fall 2013/2015)
Introduction to Biological Investigations II, laboratory (spring 2016)
Neurophysiology, laboratory (spring 2012)
General Biology I, laboratory (fall 2008-2011)
General Biology II, laboratory (spring 2009-2011)
Wildlife Techniques, lecture with lab (fall 2023)
Mammalogy (fall 2023)
CSU-Pueblo (Instructor of Record)
College Biology I, lecture (fall 2017, spring 2018/2019)
Special Topics in Scientific Literacy and Writing, lecture (spring/fall 2019)
Special Topics in Research and Experimental Design, lecture (spring 2020)
Research (fall 2022, spring 2023)
SUNY-Albany (Instructor of Record)
Animal Behavior, lecture (spring 2017)
Animal Behavior, laboratory (summer 2014)
Animal Behavior, lecture, and laboratory (summer 2010/2011)
SUNY-Albany (Teaching Assistant)
Behavioral Genetics, laboratory (spring 2014)
Introduction to Biological Investigations I, laboratory (fall 2013/2015)
Introduction to Biological Investigations II, laboratory (spring 2016)
Neurophysiology, laboratory (spring 2012)
General Biology I, laboratory (fall 2008-2011)
General Biology II, laboratory (spring 2009-2011)